Sunday, 18 November 2007

Who is the team captain?

…… who is the real captain?. Rashad? Lhuhan? Nazeer? or Adam?
“Masha’ captain kan nudenya maseh’ nukulheynan”. Some of the team members didn’t even get a chance to be in any game as there is no real leader in the team!!!


Unknown said...

meaning- one team one way!!!!!

Sensingthemoment said...

Rashad - very disorganized person with a with no potential leader ship skills. EG. AMI FO lost all the games on last football tournament under his leadership. " but he always demand for it.. i dont know why"

Nazeer - very good for handling cash and paynments, with some trainig he could be a ready for a caption next time ..

Luhan - very good preacher .. but nerver practice it ... managing his life with only SOKETING..

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